Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 9 EOC: Three great mission statements

The three mission statements that, for me, are the best are:

Ricky Bubna

"To provide excellent service to our  customers and employees with the best experience in our environment and expertise in the food and bar industry. We believe in providing the best for our customers."

Jose Mayorga

"At, World Football House, we promise to deliver the football experience like only live stadiums can. We breathe life into televised matches. The rivalries are real and jerseys are worn in allegiance like a heart on a sleeve."

Peter Sullivan

"To provide quality service and product to the patrons of the restaurant, using creative and advanced ideas about brewing beer."

The reason I liked this three it's because they didn't focused on what they sale, but instead they focused on the services they offer for their customers, they concentrated on the customers rather than the products. As the book says  "...a company’s mission should not be stated as making more sales or profits—profits are only a reward for creating value for customers. Instead, the mission should focus on customers and the customer experience the company seeks to create." (Marketing: An Introduction, pp. 41)

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